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Welcome to the First Nations Counselling  Portal for Ontario and British Columbia. We are currently offering culturally-informed and trauma-responsive Psychotherapy and counselling support via online support. We are pleased to offer skilled evidence-based clinical support to those seeking to begin or continue their healing journey, and to those in need of trauma recovery, healing, and mental health support.

Grounding in one's cultural identity may be a critical component to processing traumatic experiences in a way that improves health over the life span. Our therapists use an Integrated Holistic Approach based on the Inter-tribal Medicine Wheel combined with western evidence-based assessments, therapies and treatment to promote holistic healing and mental health support within the worldviews of First Nations. These treatment approaches are grounded in Indigenous epistemology (the study of how knowledge and ways of being come to be) and informed by healing and counselling experiences within the distinct Indigenous worldviews of the Cree, Anishnabek, Iroquoian  and West Coast First Nation cultures.  This promotes a harmonious treatment of mental health and resiliency and integrative approach to healing and mental stabilization.
Our counselling support will further assist you and empower you to create more healthy choices in your relationships with family and to make informed choices in all aspects of your living. We may also assist you to learn new and fulfilling roles more effectively within your family.

We have worked with many First Nation elders and healers throughout Canada who are also engaged in healing their communities of the emotional and psychological hurts, anxieties, fears and the pain that have been the long-standing impacts of colonization, residential schools and racism, as well as the interpersonal dimensions of coping with these impacts. We look forward to supporting you in your healing and recovery and improving your mental health.

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