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All Counselling Fees are covered by Health Canada FNIHB

First Nations Counselling

*All fees covered. Now available Ontario-Wide through telehealth or Skype. Book now on bookings page and follow instructions for Skype Protocol.


Let us work with you and your family to enhance stability and address your areas of healing. Work with a qualified and credentialed counsellor with experience in the First Nations community. Our counselling recognizes and acknowledges the distinctiveness of the worldview of Indigenous Peoples as a crucial protective factor as well as highlights its importance as a central feature of working with First Nation clients. LMCAAS regards therapeutic work with First Nations to be a unique area of specialized service requiring our counsellors to have a history of first-hand work and counselling experience working with diverse First Nations community and experience working with those who have a First Nations worldview and who are from culture. As such, we require our therapists to have at least ten years of living and working experience within First Nation Communities.



Mental Health Counselling Support

Whether you are young or old I will provide mental health support for you or your family member through times of crisis and distress.  If you find yourself in crisis, experiencing mental health or distress you can receive clinical counselling. Our master-level pre-approved Mental health Clinician is Health Canada FNIHB  is approved to provide services to you. Rey Singh is a master-level Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist and Indigenous Trauma Specialist. His services are available to you by office sessions at our downtown London office, or on-line. Our services are offered to you during times of crisis, emotional or psychological turmoil, family breakdown or crisis. Rey will provide you therapeutic support through these times and provide you with coping skills to manage stress, anxiety or depression. We will assist you to access greater community support and enhance your ability to manage a crisis. This service is highly confidential and all fees are covered. Services are offered to province-wide through NIHB in Ontario and FNHA in BC. Support is ongoing as required.



Indian Residential School Resolution Health Support Program

The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRS RHSP) provides mental health and emotional support services to eligible former Indian Residential School students and their families throughout all phases of the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement, including:

  • Common Experience Payments (CEP)

  • Independent Assessment Process (IAP),

  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) events

  • Commemorative activities

  • Resolution Health Support Program Services are safe, confidential, respectful, and non-judgmental.

All former Indian Residential School students, regardless of the individual's status or place of residence within Canada, who attended an Indian Residential School listed in the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement are eligible to receive services from the Resolution Health Support Program.'


In recognition of the inter-generational impacts that the Indian Residential Schools had on families, Resolution Health Support Program services are also available to family members of former Indian Residential Schools students. The family of former students is defined as:

  • spouse or partner;

  • those raised by or raised in the household of a former Indian Residential School student; and,

  • any relation who has experienced the effects of inter-generational trauma associated with a family member's time at an Indian Residential School.


Health Canada verifies the eligibility of persons requesting IRS RHSP services with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, which holds data on former students who attended those Indian Residential Schools that are part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Support is provided on an as-needed basis.


Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls  MMIWG

Although the Final Report has been released, survivors, family members and those affected by the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls are still able to access mental health counselling, emotional support, community-based cultural support services and some assistance with transportation costs.


Indian Day Schools

Confidential mental and emotional support as well as Indigenous trauma-focused psychotherapy and treatment is offered from an immersive cultural and worldview standpoint. All fees are covered.


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